It's already my last day in California and I don't wanna leave. Times seems to fly so fast when you are having fun...ha ha! I did had lots of fun and I don't wanna leave to go to Miami knowing that college is going to start again soon. But, least I'm going to Miami for college so I should be excited for it though. So today before I left, I had again 2 really sumptous meal again. Went to a mall with Samuel in the afternoon to look around and spot some stores people has been telling me to spot, like GAP, Abercrombie & Fitch, Victoria's Secret (gosh, they are everywhere). Hmm... well, none of them are really that cheap even here in the States, unless they go on sale. Nontheless, discovered some things that I know will get some people excited. Like the candy store here sells M&Ms by the colour, 24 in all... ha ha! Anyway, had a Japanese buffet lunch with Samuel at the Mall before going back home to pack up and get ready to go at night. This was followed by dinner at Bo Happy which again, had too much food for my consumption...ha ha! Still full from lunch, I just picked from the dishes on the table. They are good nonetheless. So I guess I have tried all the best dishes of "Bo Happy" for the duration of my stay here.

Like I said before, Daddy Bo used to work for Apple Computers and so on our way to the airport, he insisted that he will personally take me on a tour of Silicon Valley...ha ha! Just some info; in this part of California, the cities are divided into the various valleys they are located. The Bos stay in the city of Pleasanton located in Tri Valley which is just next to Silicon Valley. Anyway, Silicon Valley is like THE place of opportunity where all ideas become reality here. And what better place to show than the headquarters of Apple itself. Yes... the HQ for Apple Computers is right here in Silicon Valley. Daddy Bo enthusiastically showed me all the different buildings of Apple and insisted that I must take pictures of them. So here are a few. Standing in front of not an Apple store but THE Apple store...ha ha ha! By the way... the iPhone is awesome(seen, touched & played with it). I want one for Christmas!