L-R: Me, Maria, Funing
So the Bos are a big family. Here, they call them the Bo Clan...ha ha! There's Daddy Bo,Mommy Bo, then Daniel, Maria, Frances and Samuel (eldest to youngest). 4 kids and my brother and I together meant fun times! All of us were so young at that time but I still remember the times we used to hang out and play together and even sing and perform in the choir. After they moved back to the States in 1997, my family visited them in 1998. That was like 9 years ago and we kids will just hang out in the pool all day and play Mario Kart on N64.
It's been a good 9 years since I last saw them. Seeing them, the house again is really nostalgic. All of us are all grown up now, like we lost the whole part together. But still, I'm really glad to see them. Daniel's away for a mission trip though, well, will have to catch him another time then. Also, not forgetting Funing, the Bo cousin coming from Taiwan to study in the States. Samuel Bo
JOEL , and the Hurricane hit @
12:00 PM